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A bachelor's degree in psychology from SBU gives you a scientifically based exploration of the behavioral and mental processes of individuals, preparing you for a variety 职业道路. SBU's psych major is people-focused and emphasizes applied, hands-on 学习的机会.

Unique course offerings provide a wide range from which to choose, allowing you to add breadth and depth to your 程序 while choosing courses that best fit your needs 和利益. In addition to your psychology major, you also can choose to add a minor in counseling, criminal justice, gerontology, psychology with sports performance, 或社会学. 还可获得儿童保育工作证书.

The 心理学 bachelor's degree is offered through SBU's 文理学院

Earn your degree in psychology on the Bolivar, 萨勒姆, or 山景城 campus. 




(83% of full-time psychology 教师 have a doctorate degree and terminal certification 在他们的领域.)



Be a part of a Christ-centered, caring environment as you succeed academically and 在精神上得到了成长. You’ll find our Bolivar campus is the perfect place to discover your passions while being supported by 教师 and staff.



A higher education close to home for residents of Dent County and surrounding areas. Classes are taught in the afternoon and evening, making a degree at SBU-萨勒姆 attainable 对于那些在职的人来说.



Join a tight-knit community when you become part of the SBU-山景城 family! Students and 教师 form close connections through small class sizes and small group 机会. 




  • Learn from 教师 with a wide range of first-hand real-world experiences in multiple 职业生涯.
  • Small class sizes provide 机会 for personalized instruction and quality relationships.
  • SBU's people-focused approach to psychology equips students with the interpersonal and servant leadership skills that will prepare them for endless career 机会.
  • Put your learning into action by completing an internship for a local community agency 在你大三或大四的时候.


The intentional integration of Christian faith with the academic discipline distinguishes SBU的心理学院. A Christian perspective of psychology and counseling permeates 每一个课程. Faculty are committed to the honest discussion of controversial topics with a fair treatment of multiple points of view, while approaching everything from 基督教世界观的镜头. 学生有能力成为最优秀的专业人士 they can be in order to be better witnesses for Christ within their chosen professions.

While all courses inherently integrate the Christian faith, the department of behavioral sciences also offers special classes specifically focused on faith integration, such as 心理学 of Religion, Sociology of Religion, and Agape Love and Altruism.

The department has adopted 2 Peter 1:5-7 as its department verse: "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love."



  • 与发育障碍者一起工作: Arc of the Ozarks, First Serve, Mashburn, Nova Center of the Ozarks
  • 和孩子们一起工作: Early Intervention Services, high school counselor interns, various camps, therapeutic 为处境危险的孩子们准备的营地
  • 与老年人一起工作:波尔克县老年中心,各种养老院
  • 从事心理教育工作:波尔克县卫生局
  • 与精神疾病患者一起工作: Polk County Mental 健康 Court, Cox Hospital inpatient mental health units, Mercy 医院的马里恩中心,自由咨询
  • 帮助问题青少年: Good Samaritan Boys Ranch, Lakeland, Regional Girls Shelter
  • 帮助处于危机中的人们: Alpha House Pregnancy Resource Center, House of Hope domestic violence shelter, 波尔克县毒品法庭,中东难民工作



心理学 graduates are prepared for a variety of 职业生涯 包括:

  • 临床与咨询心理学*
  • 集体家庭工作者
  • 人力资源
  • 产业与组织心理学
  • 精神卫生个案工作者
  • 事工宣教工作
  • 非营利组织工作
  • 物理治疗*
  • 社会服务工作者
  • 运动心理学

*Additional graduate school work required for these 职业生涯


Many graduates go on to pursue further education at schools such as:

  • 业务单位的 物理治疗博士 程序
  • 贝勒大学
  • 拜欧拉大学
  • 罗伯茨卫斯理大学
  • 密苏里大学
  • 俄克拉荷马大学
  • 弗吉尼亚联邦大学


"SBU provided me with the critical thinking and communications skills that I now use 我每天都在一个多元文化的背景下工作. SBU鼓励全面发展 in its students so that they grow intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and relationally."
凯特琳Gasaway, 09年
Project Specialist at the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging



As a behavioral sciences student you are encouraged to join SBU's Behavioral Science Club, which unites all students interested in and studying the behavioral sciences, including criminal justice, psychology, social work and sociology. 俱乐部成员聚会 regularly to encourage each other and participate in various service projects.


Join SBU's chapter of Psi气, a national honor society for students of psychology who excel in scholarship, display high standards of personal behavior, and seek to 推动心理学的发展.


Join SBU's chapter of 社会学与刑事司法学会(SCJS), an honor society for behavioral sciences students studying sociology and criminal justice.


心理学 majors have the opportunity to apply for several privately funded scholarships 包括:

  • 奥特里和艾琳·布朗奖学金
  • 乔B. 谢尔顿奖学金
  • 帕森斯奖学金
  • 玫瑰E. 雷奖学金
  • 莎拉·麦格哈纪念奖学金